Using PayPal to buy a small amount of bitcoins is a simple task. However, there are a few key points to keep in mind before
The eToro broker review by ForexFraud gives us a look at some of the key aspects of this trading platform. From its social trading options
If you’ve ever wondered how to create a lens flare in Photoshop, this article is for you. Learn how to adjust the aperture, add a
When editing a photograph, a blur filter can make the image look less sharp edges appear softer. Using the blur tool to remove noise from
In order to make rectangular images soft, you must use an image editing tool such as the Elliptical Marquee Tool. The Elliptical Marquee Tool softens
You’ve probably wondered how to photoshop yourself into a picture. Adding a picture to another photo requires the correct lighting and editing techniques. You must
You’ve heard of the Duplicate Layer command, but do you know how to copy a layer in Photoshop? It’s simple: you can either drop an
The patch tool in Photoshop is an excellent tool for fixing image imperfections. Its unique algorithm allows you to apply a patch over any image
To confirm that you have successfully inverted a selection in Photoshop, check for the “marching ants” effect. In this effect, a line of ants will
If you’ve ever looked at a photograph, you’ve probably noticed color fringing and chromatic aberration around the edges. These unwanted color distortions detract from the